"I'm pretty sure that's what Mom said."
"No, you big goofball! Use those ears for something other than food! She said we are BONDED. That means we like to snuggle (not that that is any of her business). Bondage is when she holds us tight to clip our nails. Not the same thing at all. That turns us 50 shades of disapproving!"
"You can say that again, Buttercup!"
"As you wish, Jensen."
So, the last time we talked, Jensen and Buttercup were still seeing life from opposing viewpoints.
Now, however, they have decided to go through life side-by-side. (See Buttercups ears? She often holds them like this. Remind you of anybun?)Buttercup has even started to push Jensen away from his food, which is not an easy thing to do!
Jensen isn't quite sure what to make of this development.
Now that they are bonded, life has gotten much easier around here. Almost makes you want to take a nap....
But Jensen doesn't like things to be too easy. He prefers to keep us on our toes and guessing about what the heck he is doing. Still haven't figured this one out. What do you think he is thinking?
And by the way, I'm sending out a big THANK YOU to all our friends who kept encouraging us during this bonding adventure. I might have given up a month ago if not for all of you. Thanks to you, these two buns are now very happy together!