Quilt Testers In Action

Quilt Testers In Action


Friday, March 22, 2013

Testing, Testing

Wow! Two posts in one week. How did that happen?

Today it's because I am playing with the Bamboo tablet that I got for Christmas. Sometimes it takes me a while to get brave with something new. And I'm one of those people who cannot make a legible signature on those credit card signature things, so this is a big leap. Anyway, I was working on my eye-hand coordination when I came across this information.

Think we should tell Jade? Nah....Let it be a surprise.
(Not too bad for my first drawing with this thing, eh? )


Jade said...

Heeheehee, that is awesome! My day is made. :D

Unknown said...

Freddie says Mick should be more "fluffy". I think I translated that correctly from Gerbil-ese. Freddie did have his fingers up making quotation marks in the air when he said "fluffy".

RG said...

They sneak in and do things ....

bunnits said...

Uh oh...

Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehe ooops we got caught Mickey,don't worry Auntie Karen we didn't let Jensen have too many,see this is what happens when we go to Aruba!HEhehehehe,xxx Speedy

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Too darn funny!