There are only a few more plants in blossom this week, but the entire yard is much greener than last week. On my walk around the garden this morning, I saw this tiny flower. It came into our gardens by accident in a pot of something else. I'm not sure what it is, but I love the color.
The hyacinths are blooming. Its often hard to catch the scent outside, but inside they can be quite overpowering.
And we are starting to see a bunch of these. I have a confession to make. I love dandelions! They are just so darned happy looking. I know some bunnies like to eat the blossoms, but Weasley just ignores them. He does like the leaves, though.
I was followed around the garden by some more creatures this week.
Do they look vaguely threatening?
Not to worry. It's just some little bunny monsters, that will soon be finding their way to live with some very special women. I probably won't post again before next week, so Happy Weekend to everybun. And Happy Easter if you celebrate it.
And Weasley says to remember that the only bunnies that make good Easter presents are stuffed, or chocolate. Better yet, chocolate stuffed with something else yummy.....He's thinking Kale, but I bet you can think of something better!