Quilt Testers In Action

Quilt Testers In Action


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reunion, Art Center, Ginny, and PEARS!

Taking a quick break from produce here to catch up with you. It has been a crazy week, and will only get crazier for awhile. To start with, last weekend I went to my 30th high school reunion (you do the math). I almost didn't go, but I am SO GLAD that I did. It was wonderful to see everyone. Its amazing how good we all look, and how well we get along now that high school is well past! The event itself was just a picnic, but it was held in the most gorgeous spot in the county, right next to the airport and the landfill.

Seriously, its beautiful up here. You can see across the entire county from the pavilion. I just forgot to turn around and take that picture, because I was too busy talking.

From there I hurried home to hang some recently finished quilts at the Leominster Art Center. Well technically, the man of the house did the hanging.

Here they are all together. The only one missing is the gear quilt, which is still fighting me.

This is a nice little space, sponsored by the city,  for local artist to show their work. There is an amazing variety of talent on display here.

And then yesterday, Ginny had a follow-up appointment with the new vet. Her weight is increasing nicely, and the vet wants to send the lump samples to a different pathologist. She thinks Ginny's initial cancer diagnosis may be wrong. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Ginny, meanwhile, is thinking she might like to trade her brown chair for our couch. 


Not so sure I like that idea.

In the garden, we are still getting all those blackberries, but now the pears have come ripe 2 weeks early.

Ignore the fact that they are in a litterbox. These boxes have been repurposed since Ginny developed a digging habit. Anyway, I have been doing lots of stuff with pears. Some have been frozen, some have been turned into pear butter.

Some have been dried.

Some have been made into cakes.

And of course there was a pear photoshoot.

This box of pears will be refilled at least twice this week. And my in-laws are arriving this afternoon for four days. And the blackberries are still getting ripe, and the green beans, and the zucchini. Oh, and its less than a week till we take First Daughter to Pittsburgh! Yikes! Send some sanity my way, OK?


Cate Rose said...

Luscious, everything!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I used to do all those things with produce!
Sending some sanity...

Mandy Saile said...

Congrats to your art display....and yayyyyy for Ginny...I know it's not 100% sure yet but we're sending your guys positive mojo:D

Lisa said...

Quilts look lovely, and Ginny looks good too!!! Sounds like she's doing well, and her coat is growing back quite quickly so maybe she feels a little less naked, too?

Wow, that's a lot of pears!!! I want to come to your house and eat ALL of your produce.

Would love to send you some sanity, but these days I have none. Between moving and school preparations, my life is in upheaval.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Ginny!!! Oh baby girl!
Glad you had fun at your reunion. I'll be right up for a piece of that cake. Yummy!!!!