On Monday morning, our beautiful Ginny crossed the bridge. While it had seemed on Saturday like she might be rallying, on Sunday afternoon her condition deteriorated rapidly. In true Ginny fashion, one of her last bursts of action, after a feeding session, was to circle around me, flicking her feet all the way. She spent the afternoon sleeping in the sun, with Weasley by her side. Later, she moved to the kitchen litterbox, and Weasley stayed there at her side through the night. On Monday morning, as I was leaving to take my daughter to school, I told her it was OK to leave, and I told Weasley that it was time to let her go. When I came back a little later, she was gone. Weasley continued to sit with her for another hour or so.
I would like to share with you some pictures that were taken of my girl before I started blogging. Ginny was born in the basement of this house. From the very beginning, she had an amazing amount of curiosity, opinionated self-confidence, and spunk. When her siblings went off to other homes, I couldn't let her go.
Ginny and her siblings, a few days old. The red are sisters, the white are brothers. |
Ginny liked to climb everything, jump off anything, and would only stay put briefly for petting. She would race around the house at top speed, and bounce off the walls. She was constantly underfoot, because she always had to know what was going on.
Here they are, a little older. |
She always wanted to be where she wasn't supposed to be. When she was younger, she used to race to the top of the stairs, just in case we left the upstairs gate open. She loved to be able to get into my oldest daughter's room, especially after my daughter went off to college.
Ginny and her sisters, about 7 weeks old. To be honest, I'm not sure which one is her. |
When the bathroom door was open, she would hang out near the entrance, trying to look nonchalant. When she thought we weren't looking, she would race into the bathroom, and try to dig her way behind the washing machine.
Ginny (in the back of the picture), with her parents Molly and Weasley. |
When she was given a treat, Ginny would run off with it to a "safe" place. Sometimes she would forget to stop running, and would lose the treat somewhere along the way. If that happened, she would go and take Weasley's treat away from him.
Ginny getting ready to perform the Bun Concerto Number 4. |
When let out of the kitchen, Ginny and Weasley had a certain path they would travel, before settling down somewhere. Ginny would throw things that were in her path Their path took them under the dining room table, where my husband used to leave his shoes. More than one pair of shoelaces were bitten in half before he learned his lesson.
Weasley on left, Ginny on right, Valentine's Day. |
Ginny hated to travel in the car, and would throw major tantrums. She would dig her towel from one side of the carrier and back again. And she would thump. A lot.
Every hearth needs a bun. |
Like most bunnies, Ginny loved to sleep in the sun. But she also loved to cuddle up and go to sleep in the curls of the vacuum cleaner hose. I have no idea why.
A little privacy, please, Mom! |
Every now and then, Ginny would develop a digging habit. It would generally only last for two or three weeks, until she found something else to fascinate her. She could empty a litterbox very quickly. When I got the supposed "dig-proof" litterboxes, she soon learned to use the narrow opening as a chute to throw the litter out through.
Someone left the hay bin in the kitchen open. Don't know for sure, but most likely Ginny led Weasley up here. |
This blog got it's name from Ginny's habit of textile destruction. I will never forget the sight of her covered in batting bits, as she looked up at me from the quilt she was chewing up. Her towels looked like swiss cheese.
Nothing more beautiful. |
The only piece of fabric she ever refused to chew was the one I gave her, thinking that I could make some interesting textile project from the result of her chewing. That fabric is pristine to this day!
Leading her father into trouble. Again. |
We almost lost Ginny a couple of times over the years. The first time was when she decided to show how much she liked getting her hair cut by biting through the cord of the electric clippers. I have no idea how she survived that. We would have lost her last June, if our new vet had not been really good with bunny teeth. Now she's gone, and our house is very quiet. Ginny's presence was much bigger than her physical size.
Dreaming up more bunny projects. |
Ginny was a joy to know, and we feel truly blessed to have had her in our lives. She will be missed.
As for Weasley, he didn't eat so well the first day, but is doing better now. We are giving him extra love, and lots of time to sleep in the sun. And he seems to enjoy "watching" NCIS on the couch while getting his fur stroked. Please give your furry ones, bun or otherwise, a little extra love from us today.
May your wonderful memories of Ginny sustain you through this time. All of us could certainly use a little extra love these days.
I am so sorry that Ginny had to leave. Thank you for sharing her story and photos with us. And yes I just gave my furry ones (plus the neighboring furry one whom I'm sitting) extra love.
I had a plumber here for an emergency this week and he and his wife have three rabbits. I told him about your blog so they may be following.
I am so sorry to hear that Ginny had to leave. You will have wonderful memories and photos to comfort you. I have given all my buns extra hugs and told them about Ginny. AS for mine, I worry every day that my LillieBun will be crossing the bridge soon. She is old and slowing down. She gets extra hugs these days. I will be thinking of you and Weasley.
Oh, the baby pictures--just too precious for words.
Ginny was indeed a bun-in-a-million. How blessed you were to be able to experience her life in its entirety, and how blessed she was to know nothing but love throughout her life.
Thoughts and prayers are with you as always, and Mickey sends extra nose bonks and bunny kisses.
Sweet mischief maker, Ginny, thank you for sharing these pics (omg I had no idea there could be bright red baby bunnies) and memories. We are so lucky to have these bunny beings in our lives, living with them cheek and fuzzy jowl. Lots of <3 to Weasley from the 4Buns.
I'm so sorry to read of your loss. Thanks so much for her story, it's truly a remarkable tale. Ginny was so beautiful, and such a blessing. Nose bonks and love from Texas.
Oh Karen...such a sweet baby girl.
The heart misses most what it has loved best. I truly share your tears and know your pain.
Sending lots of hugs for your heart and lots of cheekie smoochies for Weasley. I know Ginny is in good company on the other side of the bridge.
Love and friends always,
I am so sorry to hear about Ginny. I will give my fuzzy butt babies extra hugs and kisses on your behalf right now.
Hugs from your friend,
So sorry to hear this sad news, Karen.
Such sad news but the story and photos make a great memorial. Big hugs xxx
I am so sorry that Ginny hopped off to the bridge, leaving a giant bunny shaped hole in your heart.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby, Karen. She was a beautiful, dynamic, and strong little lady. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful memories with us. Please send some love to your household, and a little extra love to Weasley, from Biff, Sogna and I. <3
I'm so sorry for your loss. She seemed to have a wonderful home and companionship and you can be content in that. She had a wonderful bunny life and in process you received the joy of having her in your household. I personally take comfort in the fact that one day when I die there will be a herd of animals trooping to greet me. It makes me smile to think of that.
Oh sorry to hear you've lost Ginny. Thanks for sharing her lifestory here and glad to hear that Weasley is doing better now.
Hugs to you and Weasley. I'm so sorry to hear about Ginny. These little bunnies sure do leave a big hole in our lives when they leave us. I loved your pics, thanks so much for sharing. A beautiful tribute to a sweet bunny soul.
Oh! I'm so sorry to hear about Ginny passing! What a beautiful photo album and story of her life! What a spunky bunny! Love to you and Weasley...
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