Quilt Testers In Action

Quilt Testers In Action


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunday Market Fun

On Sunday,  First Daughter and I  braved the threatening weather to travel south to Connecticut to the Coventry Farmers Market. We were meeting her friend from college, and her mother the BirdLady of Wool On The Brain. Little did we know what a treat we were in for! The market is held at the Nathan Hale Homestead, and is huge. There were organic vegetables, at least 4 bakeries, meat dealers, handmade goods, all sorts of preserved foods, Indian food,  and several other food booths, including fire-roasted pizza's. There was very nice music, there were reenactors, there was sheep shearing, and there were brides (more about that later). It was so busy, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood for opening day of the market.

Unfortunately, I was so into looking, that I forgot to take very many photographs. This is my daughter checking out some felted wool treasure bags.

And this is her friend, a really delightful young woman, with her Mom in the background .

We saw a spinner. She was working on white wool, and I noticed that throughout the day  little girls seemed to be especially fascinated. Maybe they were Sleeping Beauty fans.

Looking a little anachronistic, this re-enactor was eating what looked to be a cheeseburger on horseback.

Where my daughter rides, they are very strict about not letting your horse graze while wearing a bit, so she offered to hold Huckleberry's head while the rider ate his burger. They discussed the battle of Trenton, and what it is like training your horse to do stairs, and not be afraid of muskets or car alarms.

Later he was riding Huckleberry around a field of swooning brides. Well, there was not a groom or bridesmaid in sight, so this was apparently some sort of photo shoot. They took pictures all over the market grounds. They are not swooning in this picture, but later they were rolling around the field in these gowns, with the horse racing up and down the field in front of them.

There was also a fake cake at one point. I know it was fake, because you don't carry a three-tiered wedding cake in one hand.

We really had a blast at the market, there was just so much to see (and eat), and the people watching was fantastic. The dog watching was fantastic also, it seemed like we saw every possible breed, and then some. And for next time, we know to buy our bread first, because that sells out fast.

After the Market, we drove home through tremendous downpours, and a spectacular lightening storm, but the trip was worth it.

We went home with a couple new gadget cases (treasure bags) from our friends. You can check out more of the BirdLady's work here at Bethany Homecrafts.

My Daughter's cases is a perfect fit for her camera, and mine for my very first IPod, which we are slowly loading up. The process of sharing music among family members is far from push button, especially when some of the devices involved are ancient, by electronics standards. And why does music you upload from your own CD's not count as music you own? We will persevere. We just may need more rest and refueling at the Market before we are done! 


Mary Grace McNamara said...

Sounds like a fun day for all of you! I saw you two walking down the street on my way to somewhere recently. Can't remember where...maybe up Rt 13. Enjoy this beautiful weather!


Katie :o) said...

What a great way to spend a day! Sounds like fun :o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links to my sites, Karen! We think the Coventry market is the best there is!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Yummmm...organic veggies calling my name! How fun was this day!

Lisa said...

Oooohhh sounds like SO much fun!

(I know I'm a little late with this comment, but Weasley looks SO cute and naked with his summer haircut)